adoption organization in california

Annual Report

Pact: A Different Kind of Adoption Organization

Pact is constantly working to refine, grow and innovate programs that benefit adopted children of color and their families. In 2022, some highlights included:


Pact Family Camps Re-Opened

After a two-year pandemic pause, the reopening of Pact Family Camps in 2022 in California and Georgia was a source of great joy to 830 participants (including 317 children). Of the 229 families who participated, 39% were attending for the first time, and 29% were led by BIPOC parents. Needs-based scholarships were provided to 39 families. Adult adoptees and former foster youth of color made up 73% of the counselors who served as mentors and role models to the participating youth.


Center for Race & Adoption Focused Therapy launched

In response to a clear community need, Pact launched the Center for Race & Adoption Focused Therapy (CRAFT) to connect adopted youth of color and their families with adoption-literate therapists of color. Between its launch and the end of the year, the number of clients doubled, leading to the hiring of additional CRAFT therapists. 


Virtual Education Programs Thrived

The California Adoption Conference co-sponsored by Pact drew 250 participants each day, from California, across the United States, and around the world. Of the presenters, 24 out of 37 were people of color, and 19 were adult adoptees or former foster youth. Pact’s webinars drew 600 direct enrollments, and another 400 individuals participated in presentations Pact made to other organizations. 


Website Redesigned

An updated, user-friendly, mobile-friendly version of the Pact website was unveiled. As a result, traffic has increased, as has the number of families and individuals becoming Pact members.


Donations Contributed to Financial Health

Through careful budget management and strong community support, Pact came through the pandemic in strong financial shape, ending fiscal year 2022 with a prudent amount of reserve funds.

Those are just some of the highlights of a busy and productive year. To learn more, please see the full 2022 annual report below.