adoption consultations

Adoption Consultations

Adoption Consultations

person working with black child and laughing

The lifelong journey of adoption is complicated—everyone can benefit from advice and support along the way.

adoption consultations fees

How to get started

  1. Check out the different kinds of consultations Pact offers.
  2. Learn about our tiered fee structure.
  3. Register for one consultation or a multi-consultation package.

After you register, you’ll fill out forms that tell us who you are and what type of consultation you are seeking. If you have questions, please contact us at or (510) 243-9460.

Pact Consultations

Whether you are currently parenting an adopted or fostered child of color; considering adopting a child of color; a first/birth parent, or an adult adoptee of color, you can benefit from one-on-one consultation with Pact’s expert, compassionate team. Our diverse staff is highly-trained and experienced, and made up of adult adoptees, adoptive parents, and first/birth parents. All our consultations are grounded in Pact’s honest, anti-racist, child-centered approach to adoption.

Parenting Tune-Ups

Adoption is a lifelong journey, and parents often need a compassionate, knowledgeable thought partner and advisor along the way. Do you have questions related to adoption and your family that you need to discuss in depth? Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the information or advice you’ve gathered? A one-on-one adoption consultation with one of Pact’s team of professionals can help you move forward. You can talk to a Pact consultant about:

  • Difficulty talking to your child about their adoption
  • Trying to understand the connections between adoption, emotions, and behavior
  • Parenting in the context of adoption—how is it different?
  • Hopes and/or fears related to contacting your child’s first/birth family and/or adoptive family
  • Navigating open adoption relationships, including extended family members
  • How you’re experiencing the intersections of adoption, race, and socioeconomic class
  • Issues of adoption and race coming up in your transracial adoptive family

One-hour adoption consultations are available to adoptive parents across the country. You can register for a single consultation or a five-hour package. In person or by phone, we are available to help. Pact membership required; join Pact today.

Transracial Adoption Preparation and Support

Pact is nationally known for the in-depth, thoughtful preparation it provides to prospective parents who are considering adopting across race, whether domestically or internationally (our program fulfills the Hague education requirements for international adoptions). At Pact, we believe that for transracial adoption to work, parents must examine their own racial identities and biases and commit to their child’s need to build a positive racial identity of their own. Pact doesn’t subscribe to the “colorblind” or “love is enough” approach; we know race matters and that parents who are adopting across racial lines must commit to making changes in their own lives in order to support their children. We work with you to create a plan for how to examine and challenge your own racial identity and racial biases, become an anti-racist individual/family, bring more diversity into your personal and community circles, nurture a positive racial identity in a child of color, and recognize the racism your child will face. To experience Pact’s full transracial adoption preparation program, sign up for a five-hour consultation package, which will include personalized consultations, reading assignments, and self-reflection exercises. Pact membership required; join Pact today.

Search & Reunion

In closed adoptions, adoptees and parents often have questions about birth family (or vice versa) that result in the decision to search for them. Even in adoptions that begin with openness, family members can lose touch or struggle to remain connected. We know that adoptees who have little or no information or contact with their birth family grow up feeling something is missing, feeling confused about where they came from—and feeling it would be a betrayal of their adoptive family, whom they love, to ask questions or seek information about their birth family.

Whether you are an adoptee, first/birth parent, or adoptive parent, we can help you make a plan, gather information, and search for and often find relatives. We can also provide counseling and support AFTER a successful search, during the fraught period when families are figuring out how to establish relationships when love is mixed with fear, uncertainty, and big emotional reactions. You can consult to Pact to:

  • Research and read adoption files to determine if there is enough information to find birth or adoptive family members
  • Create a plan for how to approach a found family member
  • Serve as an intermediary to facilitate a new relationship
  • Sort through the feelings that arise as a renewed relationship unfolds
  • Prepare a child for a first meeting with members of their birth family

Pact membership required; join Pact today. Pact’s fees do not include private investigation costs.

Other Adoption Consultations

Pact offers specialized consultations for those interested in Placing a Child for Adoption or Adopting a Child.

Are you looking for an adoption-sensitive therapist of color to work with your child or family? Learn more about our Center for Race and Adoption Focused Therapy.

 Are you affiliated with an organization or group seeking a customized consultation, presentation, or workshop about adoption, race, and family? Contact to inquire about bringing Pact’s experts to you.

Consultation Fees

Pact is committed to being equitable and inclusive. Our tiered fee structure allows those with less resources to apply for scholarships, subsidized in part by the higher rates paid by those with more resources.

Please carefully review the 4 tiers described below, then select the tier that is appropriate for you. After you register, you’ll fill out forms that tell us who you are and what type of consultation you are seeking. 

Tier 1:

If you have access to extensive financial resources (income, assets, and credit) far beyond the level needed to meet your basic needs, this is the right tier for you.

Families/individuals in this tier are highly compensated or do not need to work, own one or more high-value property, own one or more cars if they choose, have significant purchasing power, savings, and/or a portfolio of high-value assets.

Tier 2:

If you have enough financial resources (income, assets, and credit) that you are not concerned about your ability to meet your basic needs each month, this is the right tier for you.

Families/individuals in this tier have well-compensated employment or do not need to work, own or rent a high-value property, own or lease a car if they choose, and have significant purchasing power and/or savings.

Tier 3:

If you have the financial resources (income, assets, and credit) to regularly meet your basic needs each month, this is the right tier for you.

Families/individuals in this tier have stable housing, are generally employed, have access to health care, can own or lease a car if they choose, and have some expendable income and/or savings for discretionary spending and emergency expenses.

Tier 4 (Scholarship Rate):

If you don’t always have the financial resources you need to meet your basic needs, this is the right tier for you.

Families/individuals in this tier may be unemployed or underemployed, be experiencing housing insecurity, have limited access to a car or gas money, receive government assistance, or have limited or no resources to cover unexpected expenses. If you select Tier 1/Scholarship Rate, we will follow up to verify your income/assets, as required by our funders.

Pact Adoption Consultants

All of our consultants are leaders in the field of adoption. They represent a variety of identities and experiences, but all share a deep commitment to Pact’s ethical, anti-racist, honesty-based approach. You will be assigned an available consultant who is a good fit for your needs. If you have a preference for a particular consultant, please let us know.

Beth Hall

Beth Hall

Executive Director

Beth Hall (she/her) is a nationally acclaimed author and speaker who offers consultations to adoptive parents across the country. Working with adoptive families since 1992 and drawing on her own experience as an adoptive parent and non-adopted sibling to her adopted sister, she works with parents to address their fears about their children’s behaviors and learn how they can best approach conversations about adoption and race with their children. Beth specializes in working with adoptive parents of all races on the complexities of open adoption, and on advising white parents on the challenges of transracial adoption.

More about Beth

Beth is particularly skilled at:

  • Helping adoptive parents to be brave in their approach to parenting, which often results in an amazing closeness between parents and children, even when relationships have been sorely challenged.
  • Educating white parents in how to support their children of color as they make sense of race, combining real-life stories with practical strategies that help parents create solutions and plans for their own families.
  • Avoiding cookie-cutter approaches to building a positive triad relationship. Beth helps parents consider how to open, create and/or maintain relationships with their child’s birth family members without confusing the child or succumbing to fear, while managing complex individuals and relationships.

“Beth, you have helped us realize that it is critically important for our son that we do everything possible to support him in his exploration of his adoption (including birth family) and racial identity. You and the entire staff are incredible — the resources, services, and love you provide to this community are beyond measure. Thank you, truly, for all that you do.”

Katie Wynen, MSW

Katie Wynen, MSW

Pre-Placement Adoption Specialist

Katie Wynen (she/her) is a transracial/international adoptee (adopted from Colombia by white parents) who has worked with the adoption community (specifically with adoptees and pre-adoptive/adoptive parents) since 2006. With adoptive parents, Katie creates space for them to share their joys and fears, while also guiding them to understand the complexities of adoption and what the experience means for their children, now and in the future. One-on-one and in group settings, Katie has worked with adoptees ranging from age 5-55 and draws on her own experience as an adoptee to connect with them and create a safe space to share, connect, and explore feelings around adoption and race.

More about Katie

Katie has experience working with both transracial (parents adopting across racial lines) and same-race (parents who share their adopted children’s racial identity) families and has expertise in the following areas:

  • Helping pre-adoptive parents understand that adoption is complex and not easy, and helping them navigate the process.
  • Holding space for all members of the adoption triad to share their experiences and be heard and valued.
  • Working with adoptees of all ages and at all different stages of their adoption journey and, for many, their racial identity journey.
  • Running groups and workshops for youth and adults.

“Katie, thanks so much for your help and support. You are so great at holding space and making everyone feel included and heard. It really helped us grow and think about new ideas and approaches we hadn’t been brave enough to consider before.”

Susan Dusza Guerra Leksander, LMFT

Susan Dusza Guerra Leksander, LMFT

First/Birth Family Specialist & Agency Director

Susan Dusza Guerra Leksander (she/her) is a licensed psychotherapist with a special interest in helping adoptive parents strengthen relationships with their children’s first/birth families. Along with her professional training, Susan brings to this work her own experience as both a transracial adoptee and a first/birth mother.

More about Susan

Providing treatment and consultations for the foster/adoption triads since 2009 has taught Susan that:

  • Adoptive parents can open closed adoptions with first/birth families in a sensitive way that puts their children’s needs first.
  • Youth who have been in foster care almost always seek to reunite with their first/birth families, even when there has been abuse or neglect.
  • Adoptive parents can create physically and emotionally safe opportunities for their children to have relationships with first/birth families who are experiencing substance use, mental health symptoms, and other concerning life circumstances.
  • Adoptive parents can build and maintain relationships with first/birth families in other countries for their children’s benefit.

Susan understands the underlying fear and worry that can accompany big turning points like these. She will hear your concerns, and will still ask you to be brave for the sake of your children’s long-term trust and connection to you.

“Susan, [we] spent yesterday with my son’s birth mother in the country of his birth. It was amazing. Hard. A little bit sad. Fun and uplifting…Although everyone else outside the adoption world insisted he was ‘too young,’ I so see the wisdom in making this relationship more ‘real’ now…Thank you so very much for your encouragement when I was scared.”

Raquel Vivanco

Raquel Vivanco

Adoptive Parents of Color Collaborative Director

Raquel Vivanco (she/her) is the Latin@ adoptive mother to two Latin@ persons. Raquel has been an active member of the Pact community for over fifteen years and is deeply dedicated to ethical adoption reform. She serves as director of Pact’s Adoptive Parents of Color Collaborative and parent program manager. Previously, Raquel worked for the Tides Center & Foundation as a project manager and human resources manager, and launched two successful small businesses in Latin America. She has a BA in International Relations from Stanford.

More about Raquel

Raquel’s focus is on providing support to families led by adoptive parents of color. Read more here: Greetings from Raquel (pdf)